Moulded Glass Products
Moulded Glass Products
Including: dropper bottles, cream jars, boston round bottles, cannabis bottles, perfume bottles. Aailable size: from 5ml to 200ml. Glass is made from all-natural sustainable raw materials. It is the preferred packaging for consumers’ concerned about their health and the environment. Consumers prefer glass packaging for preserving a product’s taste or flavor and maintaining the integrity or healthiness of foods and beverages. Glass is the only widely-used packaging material considered “GRAS” or “generally recognized as safe” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It’s also 100% recyclable and can be reused endlessly with no loss in quality or purity.
Available Sizes Range: from 15ml to 100ml, including cream Jar, Canabis Jars. Glass is made from all-natural sustainable raw materials. It is the preferred packaging for consumers’ concerned about their health and the environment. Consumers prefer glass packaging for preserving a product’s taste or flavor and maintaining the integrity or healthiness of foods and beverages. Glass is the only widely-used packaging material considered “GRAS” or “generally recognized as safe” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It’s also 100% recyclable and can be reused endlessly with no loss in quality or purity.
Some Nail Polish Bottle need to be personalized in design, which can be considered black glass to produce, compared with the cost of color spraying on clear bottle can be reduced by 40-50%. Aailable size: as you want.

Business Contact
0086-533-3259380 -- Mr.He 0086-533-3259381 -- Mr.Tang
0086-533-3259382 -- Ms.Jiang 0086-533-3259703 -- Mr.Zhang
0086-533-3259507 -- Mr.Qi 0086-533-3243561 -- Assistant : Mr.Wu
Business Contact
Copyright © Sichuan Mianzhu Chengxin Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd.